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Americas Cup AC36 - 'Te Pou'

As mana whenua, the ability to highlight the beauty of te Ao Māori in Tāmaki comes both as a huge privilege & responsibility. To then do that on a global stage while creating artwork in which the goal is to showcase the beauty of Aotearoa to the world while keeping locals aware & educated came as an exciting challenge.

The 36th Americas Cup held in Auckland has come at a time where the world is facing difficult times due to the Covid Pandemic. Functioning as a large bubble down at the bottom of the globe it has quickly become the backdrop of hope for those who have faced unimaginable challenges & who are watching from all around the world.

The hospitality space named 'Te Pou' (given by Ngāti Whātua o Õrākai) is a haven of life & rejuvenation. The layers of design reflect our connection with both the moana (ocean) & ngahengahe (forest). Stories of old, modern reflections, deeper korero - the contemporary design is a reminder of the progression of our culture into a place where we are able to navigate modern sporting events & global media attention. Bold, layered, ancient, modern, it is our take on our space & our gift to the user guided by the stories of Tāne-mahuta & mana whenua input. Thank you to Auckland Unlimited, AC36 organisers, Skycity, the relevant Government agencies, Tourism & Economic departments & most importantly our whanaunga & Iwi leaders who whakapapa as mana whenua to this beautiful rohe (area) & call Tāmaki home. It is a huge honour to have been involved & to have this become a place of rest, rejuvenation & culture amongst the busy Americas Cup event in Auckland City & to have our mayor Phil Goff open the space.



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