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Otumoetai - 'The sleeping tide!'

We painted a private commission while down at the Street Prints Mauao event. Situated at the end of a private driveway, this mural was painted as a community wall for all to enjoy. Designed to bring a message of peace & unity to the local area incorporating aspects of the local Māori history, we painted a visual story that incorporated the Tui watching carefully over its neigbourhood & the people who live there.

23 September 1845 marked a significant day in the history between Ngāi Te Rangi (Tauranga) and Te Arawa (Rotorua & Maketu) tribes of the area. A large stone was taken from Mauao & chiefs from both tribes made peace after 10 years of war by placing their foot on top, shaking hands, a hongi & smoking a pipe as a symbol of unity. The 'peace stone' remains a token & reminder of peace, it is now held at Tauranga Museum & this mural is about reminding those who look that unity within communities is the way forward, coming together to create a place of safety, fun & support that involves everyone. What a privilege to paint this 'message' & to support the vision of an amazing couple who want to make positive choices that benefit the wider community & not just themselves.

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