Te Puke ō Tara
It is an important part of our art practise to acknowledge & bring honour to those who whakapapa to the area we are working in. We use our artistic talent to support the work & effort of the community so this mural down the newly revamped walkway is our interpretation & tautoko regarding their history.
We have been working alongside the Otara Town Centre Management & CAB (Citizens Advice Bureau) to create a mural that educates those who walk past about the originas of the Town Centre name. It is about remembering the past to bring strength for the future - graphic interpretations of the sacred maunga (volcanic mountains) of the Ngāi Tai Iwi & of their Rangatira (Tara te Irirangi). We thank the people of Ngāi Tai, the Kaumatua who blessed the mural & the locals who supported this activation along with all of the staff involved. Auckland Council thank you for the funding we gained to complete this project & again thank you for the support & help of Ayr Jones who made this project happen. The meaning of this design will be situated in the front window of the CAB building at the end of this walkway for all to see, understanding the history & name of an area brings life & colour to the ground we walk over each day unaware of the rich history & beauty that lies in its foundations.
Door 1: Te Puke ō Tara (Smales Mount)
Door 2: Mātanginui (Greenmount)
Door 3: Te Puke Ariki Nui (Highbrook)
ō Tara (of Tara) - the correct spelling of the now known 'Otara'